Affinity Groups

Algeria Section Affinity Groups

Affinity group The Chair Current number of members
Algeria Section Affinity Group Young Professional, YP position vacant 112
Algeria Section Affinity Group - Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT)  Chelali Zohra 12


IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT)
A SIGHT shall be a group formed by an IEEE Organizational Unit or Affinity Group by petition to the Humanitarian Ad-Hoc Committee - SIGHT office.

IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) provides IEEE members with the opportunity to work with a large network of volunteers around the world carrying out and/or supporting impactful humanitarian activities on the local level.
The following OUs / Affinity Groups may have SIGHT units: Regions, Councils, Sections, MGA Affinity Groups, Technical Societies, Technical Councils and Chapters. 

  • The petition to establish a SIGHT shall contain the following:
    Name of the Parent OU (Region, Section, Council, Affinity Group, Society, Chapter).
  • Name of the organizer (who will serve as interim Chair pending election of a regular Chair at a later organization meeting).
  • The organizer shall be of an IEEE Graduate Student Member or of higher-grade status and must be an IEEE member.
  • Signatures of at least six (6) IEEE voting Members who are Members of the Section(s) involved, andwho indicate they will join the SIGHT if established.
  • The mission/goals and proposed activities for first year.
  •  Signature of the Chair of the Parent OU

HAHC staff will review the petition and work with the organizer to improve the petition and remove any discrepancies. The SIGHT will be considered established after the IEEE HAHC approves the formation of the SIGHT. The IEEE HAHC Chair shall notify the Member and parent OU of the formation.


  • In one OU many SIGHTs can be formed, but with different topics (each SIGHT group should address different societal humanistic problems)
  • Each SIGHT group will report in a specified format of each six month’s activities. The reports of the first six months of the year (January - June) will be submitted no later than September 31, and that of the second six months (July - December) will be submitted no later than March 31st of the next year.
  • Any change in the contact details and organizer/chair of the Sight Group must be intimated to the HAHC- SIGHT.
  • In case of non-reporting for two consecutive six-month periods, the SIGHT group will be considered as suspended.

For further information visit: